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Mixed Reviews in Study of Kindle Use

A study of student use of the Kindle DX at the University of Washington gave the device decidedly mixed reviews...

Why They Cheered

Large, spontaneous student rallies broke out over news of bin Laden's death. Experts consider the reactions.

U.S. to Join Whistle Blower Suit Against For-Profit College Company

The U.S. Justice Department has decided to intervene in a lawsuit alleging that Education Management Corp. violated federal law barring...

Labor Lecturer and Class Observer Arrested

Don Giljum, a lecturer at the University of Missouri at St. Louis, and an uninvited observer of his labor studies...

Adjuncts at Massachusetts Union Win Full Vote

The Massachusetts Community College Council's Delegate Assembly voted 74 to 26 on Saturday in favor of granting part-time members a...

Law School Bait and Switch?

Many law schools in recent years have increased spending on merit scholarships, hoping to attract top students and to boost...

Princeton Suspended Instructor 4 Days Before His Suicide

Princeton University suspended a Spanish instructor four days before he killed himself, The New York Times reported. The suicide of...

Rules Shifts After Federal Push

Education Department's letter has prompted some colleges to speed up planned changes in procedures on sexual assaults.