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A Truly New Genre

The scholarly video-book isn't just about different media, writes Alexandra Juhasz. It's about rethinking the idea of authors, readers, time and more.

Not as Easy as 1, 2, 3

Gender equity experts say counting athletes for Title IX compliance, specifically counting certain athletes more than once, is no longer a simple matter.

War Stories

The 2011 Jefferson Lecture -- by Drew Gilpin Faust, the Civil War historian and Harvard president -- draws unexpected immediacy from the events unfolding around it.

The Myth of the Starving Artist

First major survey of arts grads finds that, despite low pay, respondents report high levels of employment and fulfillment.

Education Department Plans More Negotiations on Rules

With the smoke not yet cleared from the U.S. Education Department's last round of negotiated rule making -- which produced...

Commencement Speakers Announced: Benedictine, California Lutheran, DeVry, Jones County, Loyola, Lynn, Newberry, San Jose State, U. of Charleston, U. of St. Francis, U. of Tennessee, U. of Washington-Bothell

The following colleges and universities have announced their commencement speakers for spring 2011: Benedictine University: Donna Brazile, the political advisor...

Indictment Over Fake University

Susan Su, the president of Tri-Valley University, has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that the institution...

"[Insert Word Here] in a Can"

A few months ago, a drink called Four Loko caught the attention of students, colleges, news media and politicians across...