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In for Nasty Weather

Is faculty life, as it once was, officially a relic?

Evaluating Community College Coaches

Oklahoma institution judges teams' leaders on their ability to help players excel on field and in classroom.

Fixing Accreditation, From the Inside

Higher ed associations create panel to study and suggest changes to quality assurance system -- not least to ward off government action.

Revision and Patience

When you hit an awkward or incorrect sentence in a student essay, writes Mark Longaker, remember the learning process.

FIPSE Calls Off Grant Competition

The U.S. Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education in March sought applications for its "comprehensive" grant program, with the...

Mixed on Media

E-readers are in, but e-textbooks are not, according to a new student survey.

U.S. Eases Immigration Rules for Foreign STEM Graduates

Days after a speech in which President Obama vowed to reform U.S. immigration policy in part by making it easier...

2-Year Colleges Set Limits on Foreign Athletes

The National Junior College Athletic Association's board has voted to limit the number of non-U.S. athletes to one-fourth of scholarship...