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Swarthmore Offers Spanish Translation at Graduation

Swarthmore College is offering a special service for Spanish-speaking family members of graduates. They will be able to use wireless...

Academic Minute: Weak Evidence

In today’s Academic Minute, Philip Fernbach of Brown University reveals that when it comes to proving a point, weak evidence...

U. of Victoria Wins Right to Evict 20-Year Resident

The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal this week upheld the right of the University of Victoria to evict a man...

In China, a Debate Over Honor for Corporate Donor

Many students and faculty members at Tsinghua University, in China, have been stunned to find that "the No. 4 Teaching...

Michigan Pays $550,000 to Settle Suit With Former Prof

The University of Michigan has agreed to pay Andrei Borisov, a former non-tenured faculty member in pediatrics, $550,000, and to...

Intervention From On High

UC San Diego faculty object to a dean telling a professor not to write or speak about a colleague's research.

Compromise on Foundation Bill in California

California's public higher education systems have agreed to drop opposition to a state bill that will require much more disclosure...

They're Not Just Hiring Administrators

A new report might give pause to critics who accuse public colleges either of expanding their staffs willy-nilly or of...