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British Faculty Union Endorses Boycott of Israel (Sort of)

The University and College Union, the main faculty union in Britain, has again (kind of) endorsed a boycott of Israel...

Sudden Resignation at Manhattanville

Molly Easo Smith has resigned as president of Manhattanville College, after two years in office, The Journal News reported. A...

Concessions or a Cave-In?

In softening rules requiring for-profit and vocational programs to prepare students for "gainful employment," Education Dept. disappoints supporters and fails to mollify critics.

Academic Minute: The Bilingual Brain

In today’s Academic Minute, Pennsylvania State University's Judith Kroll offers a glimpse into the inner workings of the bilingual mind...

West Virginia U. Sends Wrong Aid Message to 15,000

West Virginia University sent 15,000 people a message -- intended for only 688 -- telling them that they were no...

Other Departments' Business

Universities will develop better business professionals if they do a better job of integrating components of a liberal arts education...

In Study Abroad, the Aftershocks

At conference of international educators, panelists discuss the state of international education in Japan and Mexico.

Adjuncts 2, Catholic Colleges 0

NLRB's Chicago office finds that St. Xavier University isn't religious enough to bar a union for those who teach off the tenure track.