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Deal May Be Close on Purchase of Blackboard

The private equity firm Providence Equity Partners could announce a deal to buy Blackboard as early as this week, The...

The Wrong Message

The authors of Academically Adrift may be letting black students off the hook, to the students' own detriment, writes Roy L. Beasley.

Unusual Rejection of President's Appointee

When presidents bring appointments to boards, they are typically approved (at least those discussed in public). But the trustees of...

Low-Hanging Fruit?

Looking for savings, Tennessee State eliminates "low-producing" majors, including physics and Africana studies. Critics ask why a black college would cut such offerings.

Should President's Granddaughter Win Merit Scholarship?

An article in The Chicago Tribune examines the issues associated with the awarding of a merit scholarship -- a taxpayer-funded...

'Now You See It'

Are our brains cut out for the Internet age? Author of new book says yes -- if classroom and workplace are totally overhauled.