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Bacteria and Biofuel

In today’s Academic Minute, Tulane University's David Mullin discusses his work using bacteria to convert old newspaper into biofuel. Mullin...

Race Matters

The Department of Education admits failing to include black students in its calculation of loan repayment rates in run-up to gainful employment. The mistake will fuel for-profit claims of unfair treatment by feds.

On Notice

In State of the Union speech, Obama calls for keeping student loan interest rates low and warns colleges to stop raising tuition -- or risk losing federal support.

Tunisian Police End Protest of University That Banned Niqab

Authorities in Tunisia on Tuesday broke up a sit-in that started in November to protest the policy of the University...

More Coordination Urged for STEM Programs

Government programs aimed at encouraging more students to complete degrees in science, mathematics, education or technology should be better coordinated...

Korean Universities Cut Tuition Rates

About one-third of South Korean universities have announced tuition cuts, The Korea Herald reported. The government has been urging the...

Alumni Adrift

New research from the authors of last year's controversial book Academically Adrift suggests that lack of academic rigor in college is linked to -- among other things -- lower employment and higher debt after students graduate.

New Presidents or Provosts: Bowling Green State U., Joliet Junior College, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, Northampton CC (Pa.), SUNY Institute of Technology, U. of Missouri System

Debra Daniels, president of San Bernardino Valley College, in California, has been chosen as president of Joliet Junior College, in...