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Students carrying books chat on a college campus.

Identifying Effective—and Ineffective—Mental Health Supports

A new report from the American Council on Education offers analysis of different programs with proven evidence to have impacted students’ well-being, and those that are under evaluation.

A light-skinned man in a suit and tie with gray hair stands in front of the North Carolina state flag

Seeking Bipartisan Governance in North Carolina

A state commission proposed overhauling UNC governing board appointments to reduce partisanship, but some say lawmakers have few incentives to remove politics from the system.

Morgan State Investigates Professor Who Solicited Jeffrey Epstein Donation

An associate professor of math at Morgan State University is being investigated by the historically Black university after he asked...
A red King's College sign beside some colorful shrubs.

A New Legal Strategy in Sexual Assault Cases

When the victim of a campus sexual assault faced a counterclaim by her alleged attacker, she sued him for “abuse of the Title IX process,” in what experts say is a new approach.

How to Talk About Differences: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Luisa Ruge-Jones, assistant professor of communication at the University of Dayton, explores one way we...

Binghamton and HBCUs Launch Research Alliance

Binghamton University, part of the State University of New York system, and six historically Black colleges and universities have launched...

2 Who Survived Michigan State Shootings Sue University

Two of those who were shot and survived the February shootings at Michigan State University have sued the university, WILX...

Undergraduate Employees Unionize at Western Washington U

Student workers at Western Washington University have voted to unionize by a margin of 98 percent, according to a press...