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A book cover with the title "On the Basis of Race: How Higher Education Navigates Affirmative Action Policies" in black text

A Blueprint to Resist Ban on Race-Conscious Admissions

A Western Michigan political science professor argues that colleges and universities can comply with the Supreme Court ruling and still pursue racial diversity.

Weekly Wisdom | Interview with APLU President Mark Becker

Get inspired by this incredible conversation about leadership with APLU President Mark Becker

An illustration of a college student's transcript with grades redacted in red.

Our Transcripts Are Academic Rap Sheets—and We Can Do Better

Learning (not rigor) is what prepares students for life after graduation, and our teaching—and transcripts—should reflect that, Jane L. Lubischer writes.

A crew films as a student sits at a table with a tablet on the Saint Mary's College campus.

First-Gen Videos Welcome New Students to Higher Ed

To welcome incoming students and promote university resources, Saint Mary’s College in Indiana recruited first-generation learners to provide success tips in a five-part video series.

ChatGPT Curates Duke Art Exhibit

What do you get when you ask an artificial intelligence to curate a museum art exhibit? The answer isn’t a...

‘The Question’ for Making Important Decisions

In meetings, how much time should you spend making consequential decisions versus discussing various options before making a final decision?

Supreme Court Passes on Student Work Visa Case

The U.S. Supreme Court opted not to take up a case challenging the expansion of a visa program that lets...

Creative Challenges and the University Reimagined: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of SUNY Polytechnic Institute Week: Robert Edgell, professor of technology management, suggests a creative...