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A student holds a tablet that is open to Utah State University's myUSU page.

Campus Involvement: The Tech Connection

Some students say they lack awareness of campus events and activities, according to new Student Voice survey findings. Many want a comprehensive campus events calendar and see technology as a way to enhance campus involvement.

House Bill Would Overhaul Foreign Gift Reporting Requirements

Colleges and universities would have to report more foreign gifts and could lose access to federal financial aid if they...
After voting, the young adult man proudly sticks an "I voted" sticker to his shirt.

Dos and Don’ts of Political Engagement and Student Voting

In preparation for the 2023 and 2024 elections, higher education practitioners should be aware of the ways they can or cannot encourage students’ political activism and rights as voters. An American Council on Education brief offers five ways to support student voting.

The University of Maine at Orono campus on a sunny fall day

Success Program Launch: Adult Degree Completion in Maine

Starting in January, the University of Maine will launch an adult completion program to support stopped-out learners across the state. The program will provide personalized aid and services to ensure they leave with a degree or credential.

ACT Scores Drop for Sixth Year in a Row

The national average ACT composite score dropped to 19.5 out of a maximum score of 36 for the Class of...

Morgan State to Build Barrier Around Campus

Morgan State University in Baltimore is planning to surround the campus with fencing after a shooting injured five people, including...
A graphic showing white lines winding and twisting around in a loose rectangle, demonstrating the slow path to debt relief for the Education Department.

Education Department Offers More Insights Into New Debt Relief Plan

The Education Department’s student loan debt relief negotiating committee spent its second day weighing in on which borrowers should see their loan balances reduced. Meanwhile, Republicans on Capitol Hill called the process a “partisan policy-making charade.”

New Accounting System Causes Bill Backlog at U of Washington

The University of Washington is behind on its bills due to issues related to a new accounting system implemented over...