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Survey: Pay Equity Lags for Higher Ed Administrators

Though the number of women in higher education leadership roles has increased since 2002, pay equity hasn’t kept pace, according...

Impact of COVID-19 on Infant Gut Microbiome: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of New York University Week: Natalie Brito, associate professor in the department of applied...

Yale Report Shows Grade Inflation Is Real

Roughly 79 percent of the grades awarded at Yale University in the 2022–23 academic year were A’s or A-minuses, according...

AAUP: DeSantis’s Florida Part of ‘Assault on Democracy Worldwide’

The American Association of University Professors released a report today saying Ron DeSantis’s words and actions “come from the same...
An aerial view of the SAU campus

Saint Augustine’s President Fired, Accreditation Stripped

Christine McPhail’s dismissal follows recent friction with the board. Trustees have now hired an acting president and are trying to save SAU’s accreditation.

Photo illustration of the three presidents who testified

3 Presidents on the Hot Seat

In a four-hour hearing, the presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT steadily defended themselves, their institutions and free expression. Lawmakers remained skeptical.


Anxiety, Anticipation and Preparation for AI in Higher Ed

In the whirlwind of developments regarding AI, we must move from anxiety to anticipation and preparation for what the future portends.

Harvard students hold up white pieces of paper with black text calling for "Justice for Gaza" as part of a pro-Palestinian protest

Presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT Face Grilling on Capitol Hill

The House education committee invited the leaders to testify about their institutions’ responses to allegations of antisemitism—and to demand that they take stronger action.