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A $50M Gift for Xavier University

Xavier University has secured an anonymous $50 million gift, which will help it establish a new College of Osteopathic Medicine...

Dan Lenard of World Voices: Pulse Podcast

This month’s episode of the Pulse podcast features a conversation with Dan Lenard, president of World Voices, a nonprofit trade...

Free Speech Center Urges Caution on Tracking Campus Hate, Antisemitism

The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University sent a letter to the U.S. attorney general and the secretary of...

Saving the River Giants: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Stefan Lovgren, research scientist in the College of Science at the University of Nevada at...
Aerial view of Wichita State University during summer break.

Success Program Launch: A Minor for Student Org Leaders

As of this fall, student government or organization participants at Wichita State University can work toward a minor in student organization leadership, credentialing their learned experiences.

A man sits on an oversize laptop, which has a graduation cap perched on a corner of its screen. There are plants surrounding the laptop.

Future of OPMs in Flux as Regulations Loom

University relationships with online program managers could be turned on their heads in 2024, as the government considers more oversight into OPM contracts.

Former Arizona State Employee Accused of Misspending $100,000

A former Arizona State University technology employee faces 14 felony counts after an internal audit found he allegedly misspent thousands...
Man in suit stands in front of a painted city skyline

Painting a Picture of More Student-Centric Career Services

Better serving students in career preparation requires a strong understanding of what’s working and what isn’t, plus creative ideas for making career-focused events enticing and boosting utilization of available supports. Cross-campus discussion of three key questions can help.