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Goings-On at the NCAA Convention

Division III keeps out the redshirt; academic progress rates coming soon; presidential involvement in Division I; and more.

Canning Spam

Supreme Court lets stand ruling favoring public university's policy on blocking unsolicited e-mail messages.

Anti-Gay 'Flagging' at NEH?

When most scholars have their grant applications rejected by the National Endowment for the Humanities, they shrug. Only a small...

Triumph for NCAA's Little Guys

Members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Division I voted at the group’s annual convention in Indianapolis Saturday to overturn...

A Good Year in the States

Appropriations are up 5.3%, allowing for increases many public colleges haven't experienced in years.

Aid and Appeals on Foreign Languages

At presidents' summit, Bush administration officials propose Fulbright expansion and ask colleges for help.

More Criticism of 'Academic Bill of Rights'

Members of the American Historical Association voted Saturday to condemn the Academic Bill of Rights as an attack on academic...