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Adults Who Do Not Want Children: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Zachary Neal, associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University, discusses...

Oregon Apologizes for Chant During Brigham Young Game

The University of Oregon has apologized for a profane chant by some students while Oregon hosted Brigham Young University at...

‘Do I Belong Here?’ Students’ Service Experiences Through the Lens of Campus Climate

Colleges can amplify the experiences of students reaching out to campus offices by ensuring they feel safe and comfortable, write campus climate consultants Genevieve Weber, Sue Rankin and Erik Malewski.

Oregon Apologizes for Chant During Brigham Young Game

The University of Oregon has apologized for a profane chant by some students while Oregon hosted Brigham Young University at...

2022: The Year of the Female Gubernatorial Candidate

More glass ceilings can and will be broken in November. In today’s Academic Minute, Fresno City College’s Alana Jeydel discusses...

What Are the Liberal Arts?

New study shows most high school seniors have little idea.

A Women’s College Goes Coed, and ‘Chaos Ensues’

Notre Dame of Maryland University abruptly announced it would begin admitting male undergraduates next fall to combat enrollment declines. Backlash from students and alumnae was swift.

Why Some Professors Don’t Post PDFs by Marginalized Scholars

Altmetrics track how scholarly works are discussed, shared, read and reused online. Such real-time feedback may especially matter for underrepresented and early-career researchers, though the metrics have limitations.