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Bridging a Growing Divide

A new program spearheaded by the University of Wyoming seeks to prepare rural students for college and bridge a divide between far-flung communities and higher ed institutions in the state.

Fired Georgetown College President Files Lawsuit

Fired last year amid allegations that he sexually assaulted an employee on a work trip, former Georgetown College president William...

Ed Department: Debt Relief to Cost $300 Billion

The Biden administration’s student debt-relief plan will cost about $30 billion a year over the next 10 years, according to...

Why I’d Gladly Exchange My Tenure for a Union

Juliet Shields hopes the dismantling of tenure seen at Emporia State and elsewhere might give way to a better system for protecting faculty rights—unionization.

Failing the Profession

Nursing school admissions practices need to change if the field is to become more diverse, writes Mindy N. Galvan.

New California Law Furthers Remedial Education Reform

California governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Friday a bill to further reform remedial education at California community colleges. The...

Arizona State to Lead Digital Equity Effort

Maricopa County in Arizona has voted to spend $34.6 million on an effort led by Arizona State University to promote...