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Why Do We Need a Liberal Arts Capstone?

Beyond capstones for majors, special courses that encourage interaction across disciplines can be especially useful for students launching into careers or grad school, writes David Droppa.

Is College Too Hard?

With students highly stressed even when they are studying less, educators need to understand how much homework is helpful, David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler write.

Perceived Campus Parking Problems and the Factors That Influence Them

Keeping parking areas maintained and safe are a few ways to positively sway overall student opinion of campus parking, as our infographic shows.

Deconstructing ChatGPT on the Future of Continuing Education

The future has arrived in continuing education—however, many have yet to realize the arrival.

Brief: How Compton College Addresses Basic Needs

A new policy brief released by NextGen Policy, a social justice advocacy organization, and Compton College upholds the college as...

Veterans Affairs Delays Rollout of New Enrollment System

The Department of Veterans Affairs is holding off on a new enrollment management system in a move to give colleges...

New Briefs Explore Chronic Underfunding of HBCUs

The Hunt Institute, an affiliate of the Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy focused on improving student success outcomes...

Parents of Bankman-Fried, Professors, Face Scrutiny

The parents of Sam Bankman-Fried, who was arrested Monday in the Bahamas based on an indictment in the United States...