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Coursera Doubles Down on Degree Programs

Online course company will increase percentage of revenue it shares with university partners as they add degree programs or increase their enrollments.

Coursera vs. 2U/edX? Noodle Joins the Fray

John Katzman's online program company has become an alternative to online degree enablers. Now it wants to similarly challenge major providers of free and low-cost non-degree courses and credentials.

Student Performance in Remote Learning, Explored (Imperfectly)

Study finds that students in online courses fail to complete them and get lower grades than peers learning in person. Several experts question the paper’s design and findings, especially related to the pandemic.

2U and edX Merger Benefits Both

The combined 2U-edX company will be a larger threat to Coursera, which has become the behemoth of the online education space.

2U, edX to Combine to Create Online Learning Giant

Online learning provider company to buy assets of nonprofit MOOC pioneer to create a new entity reaching 50 million learners.

Addressing Substance Use in Online Classes

What do you do when a student at home starts drinking an adult beverage during a virtual class? Five academics offer strategies for dealing with it without shaming or stigmatizing.

Questioning Colleges’ Role in Bad Loans for Boot Camps

The colleges appear to be leading students to risky loan providers, raising questions about the relationship between the institutions and lenders and how much information they’re disclosing to students.

Online Leaders to Prioritize Flexibility Post-Pandemic

A report exploring the impact of the pandemic on the future of online learning suggests many campus leaders want to offer increased flexibility in teaching modality to students. How they will achieve this goal remains to be seen.