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Model Romance

For Valentine's Day, Santa Cruz computer scientists unveil a prom-themed role-play that could portend a new frontier for game-based learning.

Breaking Virtual Ground

MITx opens registration for its first "interactive" massively open online course.

Big Data's Arrival

An ambitious research project is proving the payoffs of predictive analytics in higher ed, and early findings overturn conventional wisdom about student success.

Rosetta Reservations

Should software replace professors in introductory language courses? Should colleges be splitting fees with a software company for helping to provide credit for such instruction?

Free Courses, Elite Colleges

Through a new company, professors at Dartmouth, Duke, Stanford, UVa and other high-profile institutions are making their courses available online free.

Behind the Digital Curtain

Could weaving the digital humanities into undergraduate education help improve students' information literacy?

Massive Courses, Sans Stanford

The instructors of Stanford's massively open online artificial intelligence course spin their idea into a for-profit venture.

Standing Up for Teaching

Johns Hopkins University asks research-oriented faculty to re-evaluate their introductory science classes.