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No Aid, No Problem

UniversityNow signs up more than 1,000 students for low-cost, competency-based degree programs without the lure of federal financial aid.

Course-Size Accreditation

Talk of a new accreditor for emerging course providers or even individual courses heats up, as experts describe how the idea might take shape.

Back to 2U

After months on the fence, Wake Forest University joins 2U's Semester Online consortium just as its fall pilot gets under way, but initial student interest at some institutions has been tepid.

Benefits of Teaching Online

Teaching online can be reinvigorating for faculty members and their careers, writes Audrey Heinesen, who encourages more professors to take the leap.

3 Must-Knows on Distance Ed

Remember that distance education isn't a singular thing, and that many of the key debates also apply to traditional instruction, writes Joel Shapiro.

Masculine Open Online Courses

More female professors are experimenting with MOOCs, but men and STEM classes still dominate course offerings.

What Happened to Ivy Bridge?

Amid news of a federal investigation, previously unreleased documents offer glimpse into accreditor's scrutiny of an online partnership between a for-profit company and a nonprofit university.

Better Off Dead

In a rebuttal to a recent essay, faculty leaders explain why a recently stalled California bill to grant academic credit for third-party courses would have hurt students and taxpayers.