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Scoring the Scorecards

Florida International U explores whether redesigning courses according to best practices actually leads to improvements for faculty members and students.

A Novel Way to Launch an Online Program

While many institutions rely on online program management providers, Schreiner University opts for an alternative way of building an online nursing program.

Note Taking as Stenography

Jay Sterling Silver offers what he thinks is the real argument against laptops in the classroom.

Ed-Tech Stamp of Approval

Complete College America launches an awards program to recognize technology companies that can deliver on their promises.

Where Open Textbooks Are Used

While most faculty members are still unaware of open educational resources, use in introductory courses nearly rivals that of traditional textbooks, study finds.

The Pulse: ExamSoft's Jason Gad

This month's edition of the “Pulse” podcast features an interview with Jason Gad, vice president of business development at ExamSoft.

Feds Soften Distance Ed Rule

Education Department releases proposed rule on state approval of online programs, cutting a provision that would require states to review all out-of-state colleges.

Falwell's Bully Pulpit

On the eve of his prime-time speech at the GOP convention, Liberty U president discusses political advocacy in higher education and how Donald Trump is seeking to encourage more of it.