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Massive Courses, Sans Stanford

The instructors of Stanford's massively open online artificial intelligence course spin their idea into a for-profit venture.

Standing Up for Teaching

Johns Hopkins University asks research-oriented faculty to re-evaluate their introductory science classes.

Relaunching the iPad

Any digital textbook revolution that flows from Apple's splashy unveiling may be contingent on everybody adopting its vaunted computing tablet, experts say.

Apple's Faculty

Academics at a research university and a community college talk about why they jumped at chance to be part of new iTunes courses.

Pulling for Better E-Textbook Prices

Universities have started banding together to negotiate favorable contracts with software vendors. With new effort, a group of them aims to exercise similar leverage with publishers on behalf of students.

Cracking Up the LMS

Two young companies try to elbow their way into the learning-management market, while another looks to subvert it from the outside.

Listing Toward Order

Despite data collection bugs, U.S. News & World Report publishes the first online iteration of its controversial college rankings.

The Promotion That Matters

Language and literature scholars have embraced technology in their research, but can they win tenure on it?