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‘Emerging Scholars’ in Online Learning

The Online Learning Consortium on Tuesday announced its initial group of "emerging scholars" to participate in the organization's Research Center...

Smashing Faculty Skepticism

Faculty members need one-on-one consultation, positive reinforcement and examples from early adopters before they'll commit en masse to transforming their classrooms.

MOOCs: Fewer New Students, but More Are Paying

Annual analysis of the massive open online course landscape finds fewer first-time students are taking the classes, but more of them are spending money and pursuing credentials.

Another Publisher Expands OER Footprint

Macmillan Learning will offer low-cost digital textbook bundles in 16 gen-ed courses, joining experiments that drive down prices for students (and potentially profits for publishers).

Sharing Courses? Google It

Three liberal arts colleges in Michigan team with the company to share courses via interactive whiteboards and videoconferencing. The results could be transformative, participants say.

How Students Cheat Online, and Why Stopping Them Matters

Jarrod Morgan describes the creative ways stressed test takers violate the rules and the importance of ensuring academic integrity.

Rejecting Criticisms -- and Addressing Them

George Washington University administrators think criticisms of its online programs are overblown -- but they also want to improve the programs and address ambient concerns.

Checking on Vendors

Universities are turning to secret shoppers, not to spy on competitors, but to keep tabs on third-party vendors that run key functions like admissions.