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Quest for 'Genius Babies'?

Jason Richwine quit Heritage Foundation amid controversy over his Harvard dissertation on race and IQ. Critics are now raising questions about work by a Michigan State physicist and vice president.

Call in the Lawyers

Edwin Mellen Press, under fire for a now-dropped lawsuit against a university and librarian, threatens more legal action after a website wrote about the case.

'Warnings From the Trenches'

Professors rally behind a high school teacher who says No Child Left Behind has created a generation of test-takers unprepared for higher education.

Price of a Bad Review

A university librarian finds himself sued for questioning the quality of an academic press.

Academe Is Complicit

In the wake of Aaron Swartz's death, Timothy Burke asks why so many scholars have failed to consider the ethical arguments for open access -- or to act on them.

The MLA's Big (Digital) Tent

The MLA launches online network for scholars, and convention attendees see connections between growth of digital humanities and a more inclusive association.

The Year Ahead in IT, 2013

In the new installment of his annual feature, Lev Gonick dissects the technology developments that are likely to change higher ed -- and not -- in the year ahead.

Assessing Campus Libraries

Survey says students are generally satisfied with campus libraries, although a significant minority view them as irrelevant to academic success.