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Teacher leading a class with digital technology

More Professors Aware of, and Using, Open Educational Resources

A study finds increasing levels of buy-in of open resources, with about three in 10 instructors requiring OER in their courses.

A screen shot of a Substack newsletter

Academics Turn to Paid Newsletters for Scholarly Connection

Substack, which hosts roughly two million paid subscribers, said its base of academic users increased more than 100 percent in the last year.

Responding to Criticism, Publisher Reinstates Blocked Ebooks

After scrambling fall courses by withdrawing more than 1,380 ebooks, Wiley now says it will restore access to the course materials. Its short-term solution leaves many librarians unsatisfied.

Publisher Blocks Access to Ebooks, Scrambling Fall Courses

Wiley withdraws more than 1,300 titles from a large multidisciplinary ebook collection for libraries as fall classes begin, hindering students’ access to affordable learning materials.

Who’ll Pay for Public Access to Federally Funded Research?

The White House painted an incomplete economic picture of its new policy for free, immediate access to research produced with federal grants. Will publishers adapt their business models to comply, or will scholars be on the hook?

A Best-Selling Textbook Is Now Free

A popular chemistry book's jump from a publishing titan to an OER pioneer could be pivotal for the open access movement. For the author, it's also a fitting tribute to his late son.

Leveling the Playing Field for Social Capital

Can technology help equalize students’ access to relationships that provide support, information and opportunity?

Pandemic Boost for Digital Course Materials

Instructors’ awareness and use of open educational resources and their recognition of the efficacy of digital texts rose sharply this year, an annual survey finds.