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Competency for the Traditional-Age Student

Accreditor approves Purdue's new competency-based bachelor's degree, which blends technical disciplines with the humanities and has a customizable approach designed more for a career than a first job.

Study Abroad and Terror

Recent attacks in Europe have targeted the most popular region for American study abroad students -- and the one traditionally perceived as safe.

'On Being Raped'

Professor writes about how he was raped as a young man, drawing attention to male victims of a terrible crime.

Losing Games vs. Losing Students

New paper finds little correlation between a coach's career advancement and the academic success of a team's players.

Chalk It Up to Trump

Backlash is mounting against Emory students who protested pro-Trump chalk messages. University's president is under fire for not dismissing them outright.

Graduation Gap Widens

Public colleges are increasing students' overall graduation rates, but a study finds the gap between black and white students continues to widen.

'Confidence Rating' for On-Time Graduation

U of California at San Diego's new early warning system aims to condense millions of data points into a simple metric showing whether students will graduate on time.

Fight Over Private College Police Records

Indiana Court of Appeals rules that private colleges must release police records, but new legislation may override that change.