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Frustrations With AP Testing

Students say they can't submit their test answers. UPDATE: College Board changes submission system.

What It's Gonna Take

Colleges face a host of daunting considerations, beyond testing for coronavirus infection, when it comes to reopening.

Pine Manor Merges Amid Pandemic

Pine Manor College has struggled financially for years, but pandemic-related challenges helped push it into a merger deal with nearby Boston College.

Dropping the SAT and ACT -- for Good

University of California plan could change the role of standardized testing in admissions -- and not just for the UC system.

A Time to Reflect on What College Should Be

The long-term survival of colleges and universities will hinge on their ability to deliver what matters most to students, employers and society, write Jamie Merisotis and Carrie Besnette Hauser.

Coronavirus News Roundup for May 18

Everything you need to know for Monday and the week ahead about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity). Plus, a special Q&A with a university psychologist.

How College Students Can Help Reopen America

States could use some of their federal stimulus funds to create corps of contact tracers in service-learning courses, Terry Hartle and David Stone argue.

Risks and Rewards of Resuming Fall Football

Some college athletics officials are confidently moving ahead on plans to open the 2020 fall football season despite uncertainties about how to protect players from coronavirus infection.