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COVID-19 Roundup: UNC Won't Budge on Reopening

Chapel Hill rebuffs recommendations from county health officials to at least delay bringing students back to campus. Syracuse suspends students who didn't social distance. Hopkins and UMass pull back on the fall.

COVID-19 Roundup: Colleges Shift Strategy in Waves

Institutions in New Jersey and Massachusetts revert to mostly virtual instruction; Purdue's president sees "zero lethal risk" to students; instructional and living alternatives crop up.

‘A Field Guide to Grad School’

Author provides "the hidden curriculum" needed to navigate the years of graduate school.

Decision Time for Athletics

Division I and college leaders are responding to pressure from players to prioritize their health during the coronavirus pandemic. Some leaders have decided that fall athletic competition isn't safe and canceled the season, while others are holding out hope they can still play this year.

Taking a Stand and Sitting It Out

Football players in the Pac-12 Conference are unconvinced by their institutions' coronavirus safety measures and are refusing to play until demands for safer health policies and racial justice are met.

Catfish: COVID-19

Scholars mourned the COVID-19-related death of a scientist who said she’d been forced to teach during the pandemic. Then they realized she probably wasn’t real.

Personal Stories From the Pandemic

How the crisis is affecting eight learners and their education and work plans.

Colleges Seek Waivers From Risk-Taking Students

As fall semester approaches, students are increasingly opposing liability waivers and "informed consent" agreements required by colleges as a condition of returning to campus.