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Michigan State, Notre Dame Back Off From Fall Reopening Plans

Notre Dame suspends in-person classes for two weeks amid rising case counts. Michigan State calls off in-person instruction for the fall, less than two weeks before students were to return to campus.

Party Like Your Life Depends on It

To safely reopen this fall, faculty and staff must reinforce social norms that capitalize on students' natural tendency to want to do the right thing, argues Brendan Cushing-Daniels.

Shutdown, Repeat

They came. They saw. They clustered. Now, a week after starting classes at UNC Chapel Hill, undergraduates are being sent home as coronavirus spreads on campus.

Higher Ed's Moment of Truth

Colleges confront what it means to bring students back to campuses as their fall plans become realities. Will many institutions make it through the fall without outbreaks?

‘The Low-Density University’

Authors discuss expansion of their "15 Fall Scenarios" blog post to an ebook.

A Tough Year for Community Colleges

Despite earlier predictions that this might be their year, many are expecting enrollment declines -- some of them devastating. Impact is greatest on minority and low-income students.

Intellectual Property ‘Grab’

Youngstown State faculty members say university is trying to seize all rights to their intellectual property.

O-Rings, Groupthink and Campus Reopenings

College officials figuring out how to bring students back to campus resemble the Challenger engineers tasked with building a rocket to fit political considerations, Janet Murray argues.