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Settling for More

A landmark settlement between Clemson University and men's track and field and cross-country athletes got the team reinstated. A separate agreement promises women athletes equitable financial aid and other benefits.

Students: You're Doing Better Than You Think. And You Should Still Ask for Help

In the wake of the pandemic, it’s time to rethink how we approach campus mental health, says Elisa Bolton.

Colleges Must Require the Study of Well-Being in High School

They should require students to take for-credit mental health courses in secondary school as a mandatory part of the admissions process, argues Sherrie Page.

Getting Better?

Though infections are still ever-present, cases of COVID-19 are slowing down at colleges and universities.

Harvard Wasn't the Only One With Record Numbers of Applicants

For some historically Black colleges, this is a breakthrough year -- despite the long odds created by the pandemic. Morgan State, North Carolina A&T and Spelman are having notable years.

Protecting or Restricting Students?

A Boston College student organization is accusing administrators of using public gathering policies to restrict their free speech and prevent them from criticizing the institution.

Courts Skeptical on COVID-19 Tuition Lawsuits

Judges have dismissed many of the cases seeking refunds for shifts to virtual learning, but some are going to trial, and at least two colleges have settled.

More Discussion Than Action: Racial Justice on Campus

The latest Student Voice survey shows what college students think about their institutions’ actions in the aftermath and year since George Floyd was killed last May -- and what campus leaders can do now to take bolder steps toward racial justice and equality.