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Connecting With Students by Hearing Their Personal Stories

Faculty, staff and administrative efforts to build trust can help make college students feel understood.

A Massive Disruption, a Range of Student Reactions

Age, gender and year in college affected how likely students were to struggle with remote learning and mental health challenges during the pandemic, according to the National Survey of Student Engagement.

Seeing Students for Who They Are and Where They’ve Been

How precollege experiences and students’ identities shape the challenges they face and connections they make in postsecondary education.

Biological Essentialism Hurts All Athletes

Isaac Sederbaum responds to a recent Inside Higher Ed opinion piece on women and college sports, citing four major issues with it, including flawed research and bigotry.

Changed Political Winds in Virginia Shift Vaccine Policy

The new Republican attorney general in Virginia says public colleges lack authority to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, reversing the opinion of his Democratic predecessor.

Concerns About Online Cheating Decline

A new survey found instructors are less concerned about students cheating in online courses than they were at the start of the pandemic. But experts say there is still plenty to worry about.

A Trans Swimmer Roils Women’s Sports

The dominance of Penn’s Lia Thomas has many decrying her success, though definitive research that might guide the conversation is lacking. Now the NCAA is making up the rules as it goes along.

More Support for COVID-19–Affected Professors

Two years into the pandemic, Stanford University is offering junior faculty members another pretenure year or an additional quarter of research leave, plus childcare and research grants. Will other institutions follow suit?