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COVID-19 Changes Plans for Next Semester

DePaul, Harvard and Stanford students won’t have in-person classes the first weeks of the semester; Penn State, UCLA and U of Southern California are considering such a move; Cornell has surge in infections; Bowie State, Towson and Tufts move finals online.

Reflections on Fall Campus Connections

Normal? Not exactly—but academic, social and wellness realities this semester have pointed in a positive direction for many students.

8 Steps to Prepare for a Pandemic That’s Becoming Endemic

It’s time for colleges to rethink their plans for the spring semester, write David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler, who present a path that offers a balance between safety and normalcy.

Winter Graduations Could Be Super-Spreader Events

With the Omicron variant fueling a rapid rise in COVID-19 cases, one expert is urging institutions to use layered mitigation strategies to minimize contagion during December graduation ceremonies.

Jesus or George Floyd? Controversial Icon Stolen

A painting of Mary and Jesus, featuring a Jesus that resembles George Floyd, was stolen—twice—from the Catholic University of America. Many students don’t want it back on campus.

Georgetown, GW, NYU and Princeton Change Course

Universities switch final exams and cancel most in-person events.

Increasing Policing

University of Chicago and Chicago Police Department take steps to increase policing and surveillance in areas around campus following killing of recent graduate.

Keeping Academic Integrity at the Forefront of Higher Education

Marquette’s president reflects on how and why the university guides students toward a moral future.