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Limited Entry to Japan

Country lets in 87 international students out of 147,000 waiting to return.

Discontinuing the COVID Dashboard

The University of Florida has stopped updating its dashboard. Will more colleges follow suit?

Colleges Lead on COVID-19 Testing as Omicron Surges

Throughout the pandemic, colleges have served as COVID-19 testing sites for their local communities. Some institutions are developing new testing methods of their own.

Gender Identity Norms Shift, and Institutions Move to Reflect Them

Institutions are tweaking campus information systems to make them better reflect students’ gender identities but are finding the technology to do so challenging.

‘If I’m Hungry, the Last Thing I’m Worried About Is Physics II’

A new survey of nearly 5,000 students at historically Black colleges and universities found that they faced food shortages and unstable housing and experienced homelessness during 2019–20.

Isolating With COVID … and a Roommate

Facing a projected squeeze on isolation housing, some colleges modify their polices to allow COVID-positive students to isolate in their dorms—even if they have roommates—or to go home.

NCAA Adopts New Constitution, Policies for Trans Athletes

The NCAA ratified a new constitution Thursday despite objections from members who feel it concentrates too much money and power in the hands of Division I colleges.

Michigan Reaches $490M Settlement in Sexual Abuse Case

The University of Michigan has reached a settlement agreement with attorneys for more than 1,050 claimants alleging sexual abuse by now-deceased university doctor Robert Anderson.