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Safely Disposing of Needles on Campus

Needle-disposal boxes in bathrooms on college campuses provide a safe and private receptacle where students who take injectable medications can discard their used needles.

‘Respectable: Politics and Paradox in Making the Morehouse Man’

The author discusses her recently published book on how societal ideas about Black masculinity shaped the values instilled in graduates at Morehouse College.
A smiling Thomas Meixner


A professor’s murder at the University of Arizona, apparently by a former student, raises urgent concerns about campus safety. He wasn’t the first professor killed at work, either.

Higher Ed Failing Students as They Navigate College and Career

Providing better service to students must go well beyond just being friendlier and making office hours more convenient, writes Seth Bodnar of the University of Montana.

Fordham Booster Requirement Draws Backlash

The Jesuit university is one of a small group of institutions to mandate the new COVID-19 booster. Some call the policy draconian; others wonder why there aren’t more like it.

What Ails Our Labor Market Is Evident in College

Both colleges and employers must fix work-readiness failures and inequitable work-readiness practices, writes Brandon Busteed.

Dressing for Success

Many students preparing for job interviews and internships can now turn to campus “career closets” for free professional clothing—much of it donated by newly remote workers.

Protester Sanctions Spark Tensions at Marquette

Student protesters shut down Marquette’s convocation in August. They knew there’d be consequences—but many believe the university took the penalties too far.