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Sex and the International Student

Students coming from outside the country have distinct needs that campus programs designed for their domestic peers don’t typically address, write Sharla Reid and Jill Dunlap.

Halting the Tragedies of Fraternity Hazing

Nick Altwies questions why, from the death of Scott Krueger to that of Timothy Piazza, we haven’t seemed to learn anything in the past 20 years.

Not So Cold Cases, After All

What’s to be done about the numerous reports of faculty misconduct dating back years and even decades?

Ghost From the Past

Professor’s essay about being harassed and raped by her late adviser sparks calls for public acknowledgment of the reasons for his past suspension from Stanford and the renaming of a disciplinary society mentorship award that bore his name.

Big-Name Problems for Academe

Billie Wright Dziech examines whether academe, as well as the film industry, will finally decide to deal decisively with the challenges of sexual harassment.

Issues for Trump's OCR Nominee: Sexual Assault and… Israel

Many victims’ rights and civil rights groups are reserving judgment on Trump’s pick to lead the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, but advocates for Palestinian rights say his appointment could chill campus speech critical of Israel.

Another Joy Karega at Rutgers?

Recalling a case at Oberlin College, Rutgers investigates a professor for anti-Semitic Facebook comments he says he can't be sure he made.

Supporting Survivors

Vigil at Department of Education seeks to support victims of sexual assault on campus and protest changes to federal Title IX policies by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.