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Advanced Placement, Not Credit

Concerned that no high school course can truly replicate the college experience, Dartmouth will no longer grant credit toward graduation based on students' scores on AP exams.

Sexual Assault and Study Abroad

New preliminary research suggests that the risk of sexual assault for female undergraduates increases during study abroad.

Students and Video Game Addiction

A college administrator – witness to his son’s gaming-driven academic meltdown – issues a warning to student affairs officers everywhere.

Money on the Mind

Finances are affecting students' academic experience, with ability to get a job as a big factor in deciding on a major, according to this year's National Survey of Student Engagement.

Dropping Out Isn't Required

A new fellowship has attracted considerable attention for its claim that it pays students $100,000 to skip college, but some of the winners want to earn degrees -- and the program lets them do it.

History and Hate Speech Collide

Amid the 50th anniversary celebration of racial integration on campus, a post-election student protest at Mississippi is marred by racism. It isn't the only one.

Some Like It Quiet

Acknowledging that some students want to be able to study in their dorm rooms, colleges offer quiet housing options for students who need a calmer environment than the average residence hall might offer.

'I'm Not Racist, But'

Recent incidents bring to light the problem of discrimination against international students.