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The Crisis-Industrial Complex

People seem to wear the number of crises they've dealt with on their campus as a badge of honor, but it's not something we should crow about, argues Marcelle Hayashida.

Speak Softly… or at Least Speak English

Policing international students’ speech and threatening them with discrimination for speaking their own language is abhorrent, writes Susan D. Blum.

Igloo Building, Petition Circulating, Bundling Up

Colleges in the Midwest respond to the record cold temperatures created by the polar vortex.

Trolls in the Classroom

U of Illinois Faculty Senate is considering what to do about students who want to disrupt classes over political disagreements with professor.

The Effortless Perfection Myth

Caralena Peterson initially wrote it off as a superficial cliché, but now as a recent college graduate, she believes it should be considered a major mental health concern.

Vape Violations

College administrators are figuring out how electronic cigarettes, which are exploding in popularity, fit into their antismoking policies.

Multiple Warnings, No Action

University of Utah student told campus police officers multiple times she was worried about repeated, harassing text messages from ex-boyfriend. They did little to help her, and he murdered her, on campus. Experts say the tragedy points to the need for colleges to do more about domestic violence.

Homeless for the Holidays

Students struggle to find a place to live over winter break. Colleges and universities are trying to develop solutions, but they have been criticized for being insensitive to the homeless student population.