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Party Like Your Life Depends on It

To safely reopen this fall, faculty and staff must reinforce social norms that capitalize on students' natural tendency to want to do the right thing, argues Brendan Cushing-Daniels.

Pandemic Increasing Suicidal Ideation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic rise in mental health problems. Experts urge colleges to invest in mental health services, rather than slash their budgets.

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

Let's face it: they're the biggest challenges colleges that reopen will confront this fall, writes Adam Hansell.

Colleges Lease Hotel Rooms for Students

They hope to space out students’ living quarters and reduce the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Roundup: Doubts About Social Distancing

More sports cancellations, outdoor classrooms at Rice and new doubts about capacities of college health centers and whether students will social distance.

‘Campus Uprisings’

Editors discuss their new book on campus protest movements against racism and their views of the protest movement after the killing of George Floyd.

Pandemic Hurts Student Mental Health

A new survey found students had difficulty accessing mental health care and experienced higher rates of depression after the pandemic began, prompting calls for a broad response from colleges.

Creating Community in a COVID-19 World

Hillel, the largest campus organization for Jewish students in the world, is finding alternative ways to support students and foster a sense of community despite restrictions on large gatherings and disparate fall reopening plans among colleges.