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Faculty Salaries Dip This Year

Professor pay declined this year for the first time since it recovered -- somewhat -- from the Great Recession. Salary data don't include professors who were laid off.

New Effort Shares COVID-Fighting Practices

CDC funds new American College Health Association-led initiative to share COVID mitigation strategies across colleges.

Navigating Grief and Memorials

Leaders have careful choices to make when faculty and staff members pass away.

App’s Private Aid Algorithm Promises Fast Cash

Start-up uses an algorithm developed by Sara Goldrick-Rab to approve student emergency aid applications quickly. Experts say the outsourcing can work, if known pitfalls can be avoided.

Faculty: ‘Gatekeepers’ of Student Mental Health?

Students are increasingly relying on professors for mental health assistance. The instructors are willing -- challenging long-standing perceptions that it’s “not part of the job” -- but they need and want more guidance on how to help, report says.

Vaccine Mandates: The Next Political Battlefront

As more colleges adopt vaccine requirements for students this fall, the political environment for such mandates in some states becomes more fraught.

A Pandemic Financial Success Story?

Endicott College’s strength during the pandemic highlights the importance of diverse revenue streams. What might it teach other small private colleges?

Where Caregiving and Gender Intersect

It's not just about gender or caregiving, it's both: new analyses suggest colleges need COVID-19 faculty relief policies that target female caregivers in particular.