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COVID-19: UCSF Out-of-Office Work Extended Until March 1

Rice will start semester online; Rhode Island College delays resumption of classes; athletics changes -- for fans.

When to Go Remote

In an example of how universities and faculty unions can collaborate on pandemic planning, Northern Illinois University and its faculty union have agreed to push the remote instruction button when and if the campus test positivity rate hits 8 percent.

Déjà Vu All Over Again?

Our challenge now is to strike the right balance between offering safety from COVID-19 and a normal college experience -- and in a sharply polarized environment, write David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler.

Refusing to Proceed as Normal

University of Alabama at Huntsville professor leaves his tenured job over the university’s pandemic planning, saying he can’t be part of the disaster he fears will unfold this fall.

Making the Tough Call

How rising COVID-19 cases convinced the Stanislaus State president to shift classes online just a week before the start of the semester.

With Equity and Justice for All

As colleges grapple with the challenges and uncertainties of reopening this fall, they should ensure that any return-to-campus plan is fair in both perception and reality, writes Jen DeNeal.

Delta Variant Raises Questions as Campuses Start Semester

Florida universities are ordered to open in person; Stanislaus State will go online for six weeks; a few Texas institutions will start online; required vaccines in Philadelphia, no confidence vote at Penn State; clusters at Duke; and colleges scramble to get students vaccinated.

Cornell Says No Remote Teaching as COVID Fears Persist

Scholars question the legality and morality of Cornell's refusal to consider requests from faculty to teach online -- even requests "premised on the need for a disability accommodation."