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COVID Conferences: Vulnerable Scholars Needn’t Apply

In scrapping remote options for conferences, academia has set out on a dangerous trajectory, Shira Lurie and Nicole Schroeder write.

A ‘Day of Action’ for Abortion Protections

On Thursday, students at more than 50 universities in 28 states plan to stage protests to push their administrators to protect—or expand—reproductive rights on campus.

The No-Roe Reality and Student Mental Health

Restrictions on abortion access will negatively impact student mental health, and colleges and counseling centers must be prepared, Carla Chugani writes.

Survey: Campus Supports Help Save LGBTQ+ Lives

New research by the Trevor Project shows that LGBTQ+ students are at significantly lower risk of suicide if their college offers mental health and LGBTQ+-specific resources.

Colleges Must Invest More in Mental Health

A Band-Aid approach won’t work, Nick Ladany writes.

More Than Just More Counselors

Addressing the mental health crisis on college campuses requires more than adding counselors, James Herbert and Jennifer DeBurro write.

Attack on Vanderbilt Clinic Has Ripple Effects

Vanderbilt’s transgender health clinic isn't the first to be targeted by right-wing media. The same tactics have made fear and risk an inextricable part of a field that already has access challenges.

The ‘Safe Enough’ Campus, 2022

Environments conducive to learning are not risk-free, whether we’re talking about COVID or risks of an intellectual variety, Michael S. Roth writes.