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Class Gift: A New Counselor

For their departing gift to the university, seniors at Penn State created an endowment for the university's counseling center to expand mental health services they found wanting.


Outbreaks of norovirus and mumps hit college campuses around the country.

Mental Health of Medical Students

It's widely known that doctors and health professions students suffer from high rates of depression, but their busy schedules and the stigma surrounding mental health still prevent many from seeking help.

Meningitis Risks

Cases of meningitis at three universities have sickened four students -- three in a single outbreak -- and led to death of one employee.

Joining U.S. Hunger Program Is Not a Snap

Earlier this month, Oregon State University began accepting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits at campus grocery stores. Few other colleges participate in the program.


Wick Sloane describes the toll that what we now call food insecurity is taking on students at campuses like his.

Faculty Members Must Play a Role

The people on campuses most responsible for students' psychological and emotional well-being -- faculty members and advisers -- have not been provided with the approaches and tools needed to meet the growing challenges.

It Starts Day 1

Colleges and universities should implement orientation seminars to educate new students about available resources and support systems concerning mental health, argues Sarah Lyon.