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Preparing for Coronavirus

Students at several U.S. universities are tested for possible cases of a novel coronavirus. Experts weigh in on how colleges can prepare for the virus.

Get Help or Let Them Die?

Student deaths and drug overdoses are prompting discussions on and off college campuses about strengthening medical amnesty and Good Samaritan laws to protect bystanders who call 911.

Out of Poverty, Into Health-Care Jobs

The College of Health Care Professions, a for-profit in Texas, has solid outcomes for low-income students in health-care fields. How does the model work?

Dining Hall Free of the ‘Big 8’

Serving increasing numbers of students with allergies, University of North Texas joins Michigan State in offering a dining hall free of the most common food allergens.

A Friend at the Front of the Room

Faculty members need to get more involved in helping students with mental health challenges, write engineering professors and deans Steven W. McLaughlin, Alec D. Gallimore and Robert D. Braun.

Wake-Up Call

Several student deaths in the last month at the University of Southern California may have been overdoses. Other institutions are searching for ways to address the opioid epidemic before it costs lives on their campuses.

Addiction Support Goes Mainstream

Recovery programs that help students with alcohol and drug problems are more welcome as campus leaders try to help students overcome social barriers that prevent them from earning degrees.

Mental Health Challenges Require Urgent Response

They are serious and complex problems and should not be the sole purview of our campuses’ counseling centers, write Ted Mitchell and Suzanne Ortega.