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Presidents and Provosts Gather to Consider Free Speech Issues

Participants agree that campuses must be places for all views to be expressed. But some academic leaders also see this as time to change the narrative on higher education and to challenge the idea of students as “snowflakes.”

Blocking a President From Talking

University of Oregon is third institution in two weeks where speakers have had talks disrupted. Wisconsin board adopts controversial measure that can threaten students who disrupt speakers with expulsion.

Free Speech or Inciting Violence?

A University of Wisconsin student’s provocative clothing line blasts police brutality, and a conservative state lawmaker seeks “accountability.”

Campus Free Speech: The Books

After a year of constant debate and considerable divisiveness, three texts seek to make the discussion more productive.

Charlottesville Fallout for 2 Students

One says he was kicked out of Pensacola Christian after showing up to the Robert E. Lee statue after the protest with a Confederate flag. Another says he is leaving Boston U over threats for having attended.

More Sanctions (and Debate) at Middlebury

College announces sanctions against 19 more students over their roles in disruption of Charles Murray lecture. Some professors -- at Middlebury and elsewhere -- continue to question whether punishment is appropriate.

Court Sides With Drug Legalization Group in Speech Dispute

U.S. appeals court says Iowa State can't bar a student group from using the university's logo when advocating for marijuana legalization.

Controversial Speech in a Polarized Climate

Activism and charged debate on campuses are certainly not new, but the intensity of the vitriol we’re seeing puts institutional leaders in unfamiliar territory, writes Kevin Kruger.