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An Arms Race

Big-time college sports programs are competing to offer more to their athletes. Are they creating more gender inequity at the same time?

Playing Catch-Up on Concussions

NCAA releases guidelines (not rules) recommending limits on football practices that allow contact, provision of independent medical care for players, and consistent treatment of brain-related injuries.

Northwestern Gets an Assist

Republican lawmakers and the National Collegiate Athletic Association file amicus briefs urging National Labor Relations Board to reverse a regional director's decision allowing football players to unionize.

Video Games Go Varsity

Should League of Legends, a popular video game, be a varsity sport? An Illinois university thinks so.

Regulate, Don't Litigate, Change in College Sports

Antitrust lawsuits could force major (and much-needed) change in commercialized college sports -- but some of the results would be bad for athletes, write Matt Mitten and Steve Ross. Congress should step in instead.

The Threat to the NCAA

A year after predicting that big-time college sports is invulnerable to legal challenges, Murray Sperber changes his mind.

Amateurism on Trial

As major antitrust class action involving players' likenesses gets under way, NCAA settles related lawsuit over video game images for $20 million.

Professors Need Not Apply

The NCAA's new governance model aims to put college sports on a stronger academic footing -- so, Josephine Potuto wonders, why will faculty members have far less authority in it?