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An 'Epidemic' of Academic Fraud

NCAA finds two staff members at Georgia Southern committed academic fraud, completing assignments for three football players. The university joins more than a dozen others that have also committed fraud in the last decade.

Pro Bono

Many universities provide lists of friendly lawyers to athletes accused of sexual assault and other crimes but don't provide the same help to victims or nonathletes with legal troubles. U of Tennessee settlement raises questions about the practice, which the NCAA permits.

Breaking Division III's 'Bedrock' Rule

College -- with a vice president playing a key role -- awarded thousands in financial aid based on athletic criteria, violating Division III's core principle. Such violations seem to be spreading.

New Push to Ban Violent Athletes

USA Swimming recently banned a former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexual assault. A petition signed by 130,000 people urges the National Collegiate Athletic Association to adopt a similar stance.

The Example Nobody Follows

The Ivy League adopts new rules limiting time demands on athletes after growing impatient with National Collegiate Athletic Association attempts to address the issue.

Second Chances

Former Stanford swimmer is but the latest example of university athletes accused of assaulting women who seem to escape punishments that are serious enough for their crimes.

Baylor's Plan to Regain Trust

Amid scandal over mishandling of sexual assault cases involving football players, new senior administrator discusses how the university plans to move forward.

The Cost of Cheating

Study finds that high-reputation institutions stand to lose the most when breaking NCAA rules. But some loyal alumni are still there to help even in times of crisis.