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A Racial Slur in a White Sport

Virginia Tech's women's lacrosse team has come under fire for singing a song with a repeated racial slur, leading many to say the incident highlights a lack of diversity in the game.

Academic Tournament Bracket, 2018 (Women's Edition)

Who would win the NCAA Division I women's basketball championship if academics mattered the most?

Distorting the Record on Black Male Athletes

New report calls out NCAA for saying that black athletes graduate at higher rates than other black students, when that’s not true at the top conferences.

The Academic Tournament Bracket, 2018

Who would cut down the nets as Division I men’s basketball champion if academics mattered more than skill on the court? Our annual Academic Performance Tournament has the answer.

Hearing Something, Saying Nothing

Athletes often hear anti-LGBTQ slurs but aren't speaking out against them, student affairs professionals say.

Should One-and-Done Be Done?

Purdue University's president harshly critiques the current system that allows college athletes to drop out and go pro after a single season.

Paying College Athletes

How will colleges afford the price? John Thelin asks.

National Sinking Day

Jordan Peele’s film Get Out has ruined college football’s most important day, writes Solomon Hughes.