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Let’s Not Rush Into Disruptive Innovation

Despite all the talk about the need for innovation, colleges and universities today are changing too quickly, not too slowly, argues Johann N. Neem.

Survey Results Say … There’s a Disconnect

Presidents can use a reality check when it comes to the good and not-so-good circumstances and events occurring on our campuses, writes Kevin Kruger.

Tools That May Discourage Quality Writing

Programs that promote themselves as helping students paraphrase may be helping them plagiarize, researcher warns.

Closing the Gap

Black students graduate, on average, at a rate 22 percentage points lower than white students. Closing that gap will require individual institutions to improve completion rates and highly selective colleges to enroll more black students, a new report says.

The Changing Audience for Credentials: 3 Key Questions

Credential innovation is so important because colleges provide much of what employers are looking for, but they don’t assess, document and communicate those outcomes, argues Matthew Pittinsky.

Tea and Sympathy

While it’s usually not mentioned in job descriptions or part of any formal training, a major part of the unofficial duties of faculty members involves helping students deal with personal challenges, writes Angela B. Fulk.

Changing the Teaching of Calculus

Texas A&M professor creates video game to teach students introductory calculus, one of the most difficult academic subjects.

Disinvitation Season Begins

Fox News contributor Juan Williams won't be speaking at Ursinus College's commencement after faculty members question his ethics.