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Number of New Law Students Dipped in 2019

The number of first-year law students enrolled in American Bar Association-accredited law schools declined ever so slightly this fall, reversing...

Private Foundations Exempt From FOIA in Virginia, Court Says

The foundation for the public George Mason University is not covered by the state’s public records laws, the Supreme Court...

Official: Foreign Gift Investigation Found 'Disturbing Facts'

Federal investigations into whether six universities are complying with a law requiring disclosure of gifts and contracts from foreign sources...

Improving How Business Is Taught

Ithaka S+R, a research and consulting service, released a report yesterday detailing undergraduate teaching practices in business. Business is the...

Free 2-Year College Proposal in Va.

Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia, a Democrat, on Thursday unveiled a budget proposal for $145 million over two years to...

Professor Removed from Class Over Hitler Video

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst put a professor on leave from teaching for the rest of the semester after...

Minnesota Duluth Faculty Senate Balks at Schools' Merger

The University of Minnesota at Duluth’s Faculty Senate says it was left out of a plan to merge the School...

Monks Sue Saint Anselm College

Monks at Saint Anselm College have sued the Roman Catholic institution, asking the court to prohibit the trustees from changing...