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Murder Suspect Arrested; Wesleyan Resumes Operations

Wesleyan University will resume normal operations today, after a tense day in which most activities were called off after police...

Roosevelt U. Will Restore Athletics

Intercollegiate athletics, dormant at Roosevelt University for 20 years, will return. The university on Thursday announced a plan to create...

Study Disputes Link Between Facebook Use and Grades

A doctoral student's unpublished study suggesting a link between extensive Facebook use and lower grades received a ton of attention...

Report Considers Sustainability in the Curriculum

Colleges have been quicker to green their facilities than their curriculums, as a 2008 National Wildlife Federation study showed, and...

Laureate Describes Plans for Santa Fe

Laureate Education Inc. has released a statement outlining its possible vision for the College of Santa Fe, a financially struggling...

Grove City Suspends Student for His Porn Career

Grove City College has suspended John Gechter, a molecular biology major, for his work in gay pornography, The Herald reported...

Bob Kerrey Will Leave New School Presidency -- in 2011

Bob Kerrey announced Thursday that he will leave the presidency of the New School in June 2011, when his contract...

New Fair Pay Law Applied to Tenure Case

A federal judge has applied a new federal law on when people can file claims of discriminatory pay by employers...