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Dalai Lama a Savior at Florida International U.?

The Dalai Lama has offered to donate $100,000 to help Florida International University raise other money to stave off the...

Schwarzenegger May Terminate Student Aid Program

How could things get worse in California, where voter rejection of a series of budget measures Tuesday has left public...

From 10% Admissions to 8% Admissions?

For months, Texas legislators have been lobbied about the state's "10 percent" admissions law, which admits all high school graduates...

Illinois Online Program Disappoints, but Still Awards Bonuses

The Global Campus of the University of Illinois, an online program that has been controversial with faculty members, has had...

Impact of Rankings in Global Higher Ed

It's not just U.S. News. Rankings of various types are having an impact on higher education all over the world...

Providence Mayor Details His Plan to Tax Colleges

The mayor of Providence, David N. Cicilline, has been floating ideas for weeks on how to get tax revenue out...

The Cost of Letting Medical Residents Get a Little Sleep

For years, various groups have urged that academic medical centers should reduce the total hours and consecutive hours that medical...

Brandeis Suspends Contributions to Retirement Funds

Brandeis University has told all employees that it will suspend for one year any institutional contributions to retirement funds. The...